From Fedora Project Wiki

🔗 Description

This test case ensures that the exo library, which assists in the development of XFCE applications, functions correctly in Fedora.

🔗 Setup

  1. Ensure the exo tools are installed. If not, install them with the command: sudo dnf install exo

🔗 How to test

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Launch the default web browser using exo: exo-open --launch WebBrowser
  3. Launch the default email client using exo: exo-open --launch MailReader
  4. Check the version of exo installed: exo-csource --version

🔗 Expected Results

  1. The exo-open --launch WebBrowser command should open your default web browser.
  2. The exo-open --launch MailReader command should open your default email client.
  3. The exo-csource --version command should display the version of exo installed.

🔗 Optional

Explore other functionalities provided by exo tools, such as exo-desktop-item-edit to edit desktop menu items.